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How to live more minimally after lockdown ‘The new normal’ doesn’t have to mean product hoarding

Some people spent lockdown decluttering their homes, while others ended up living in unexpected locations with only the luggage they had brought with them. Essentially, lots of people unintentionally gave minimalism a try. Now things are starting to return to normal, many want to keep up with this new, stripped back way of living. If you’re interested in how to maintain a minimalist life now lockdown is over, read on for our top tips.

Don’t be scared into panic buying

The news can be frightening, but in these highly changeable times it’s important to try and stay calm. When the suggestion of a second spike comes up many people immediately start to panic buy, but it’s important not to get carried away by what everyone else is doing. Having enough in your pantry to last a week or two is perfectly fine. Hoarding food is not only irresponsible but will also clutter up those cupboards you’ve only just cleared.

Start your own home compost

When we were all staying home, many of us became a lot more aware of just how much food we were throwing in the bin. From leftover meals to banana bread gone wrong, the sheer amount of food waste that takes place in one UK household is slightly shocking. In order to reduce the amount you put in the bin, try creating your own compost instead. Use an old container and fill it with any food you don’t want. You can then spread the compost on that new vegetable patch you also started in lockdown. It’s a win-win.

Be wary of bargain sales

Now your home is looking lovely and minimal after lockdown it can be tempting to replace some of the things you discarded with new items, but this is wasteful. Stores are offering big discounts in an attempt to stimulate the economy, but don’t let a flashy discount distract you. Think long and hard about whether the item is something you actually want, or just something the marketing has made you think you need. If you do have a real urge to shop, try secondhand instead. It’s much better for the environment.

Sign up to an online delivery service

If you want to make sure you can get hold of all your household essentials whatever happens, try signing up to an online delivery service like Plaine. We can make sure you get sustainable bamboo toilet paper delivered straight to your door. It’s a great idea if you live with someone who is shielding, or if you discover you unexpectedly have to quarantine after fast-changing government travel guidelines.

Our daily routines are constantly changing, but the key to nailing minimal living in these times is to stay calm. Owning only what you need doesn’t mean you’ll necessarily be caught short in a panic. Just be prepared. And always keep the earth in mind.

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